Over four decades of war has crippled every major institution in Afghanistan. Recent events has changed the governing structure of Afghanistan, however, war still continues and civilians are caught in the conflict.
The UNAMA began its record-keeping for causalities in Afghanistan in 2007. Since 2009, the war has led to 55,032 civilian casualties with an average of 14 civilians each day in 2021. Since 2009, 19,142 civilians have been killed. Watson Institute for International and Public affairs estiamtes that about 241,000 people have been killed in the Afghanistan and Pakistan war zone since 2001.The actual number may be much higher as incidents in remote areas may not be
Road Traffic Accidents (RTA) deaths is another big factor that claims many innocent lives. According to the latest WHO data published in 2018 Road Traffic Accidents Deaths in Afghanistan claimed 5,253 lives, deaths due to RTAs in Afghanistan is, on average, 15 persons per day. The age adjusted Death Rate is 17.68 per 100,000 of population. Afghanistan is ranked 90 in the world.
Human Relief Mission aims to tackle this and set up HRM’s AMWO Free Emergency Ambulance Service. This is the first of its kind in the history of Afghanistan, but also allows the public to take advantage of the ambulances in non-emergency transfers from home to hospitals; free of charge or at an affordable price (to regenerate the cost of fuel and driver salary). Our ambulances have taken part in many rescue missions and are continuously working with other local and regional partners to improve its services. We started with just two ambulances operating in only one province. We have now expanded to five provinces and aim to work in all provinces of Afghanistan. As of April 2022, HRM has 45 active ambulances. In 2021 alone we have served 33173 patients, an average of 92 patients per day. With your help we can increase the number of ambulances cover more provinces. Lets save lives together.